Saturday, August 22, 2015

Favorite of the Week

My favorite item of the week is most definitely my new GOMA Squid Tripod. This thing is awesome and will actually help me a lot with my reviews. No more trying to hold the camera for pics and videos. It has three flexible and strong legs that can bend and twist to any shape. It doesn't take a lot of bending to get it to grip because the legs have squishy foam grips to hold onto it. This thing can grab onto anything.

I am also loving it because it can hold a camera with the traditional screw top and it holds phones and GoPros with the included attachments. Since I do not have a GoPro (Are you listening GoPro?), I cannot test out my new awesome tripod on it. Maybe I should add GoPro to my wishlist and cross my fingers. I got this at an extreme discount but for those of you purchasing new it is well worth more than the asking price. This takes place of the traditional large tripods and at 7" tall you can easily carry it in your backpack or purse. Go hiking and attach it to a tree branch for a quick selfie with the cute lil bear cub you saw. (Please do not try to take pictures with wild bears.)

Holding a regular digital camera.

Holding my sad little out-dated phone.

I want to also give a quick shout-out to for hooking me up with the maker of this wonderful item and allowing me to get it so cheap.  Of course, if you sign up for free I can earn more points to get more stuff to review, but even more importantly you can get stuff discounted too. You do not need to be a super shopper or a blogging mommy to get this stuff. You just need to be able to submit an honest review about the product.
Also, you should have an Amazon Prime account that way you do not have to pay shipping on the items. You can get a free 30 day trial at Amazon to explore and see if it is worth the purchase. Even my Amazon Prime I get on discount. Did I mention I love bargains. I get my Prime account through Student Prime. If you or someone in your house is a college student and has a student email address you can get Prime for 50% off.
So a little bit about I am still trying to figure it out myself. It only took me a couple minutes to sign up and then only another minute or two to find something to spend my first 100 points on. You initially earn 150 points and it takes 100 points to obtain a 99% off coupon. Once you have a coupon you head over to Amazon and purchase the item using your coupon.
Now here is where it gets tricky. Most sites have you complete a review and then come back to their site and submit a link to verify you completed your review. Then you get more points and can do it all over again. Right now I am still trying to figure out where to submit my review. There are about a dozen different ways to earn points through the site, but I am not making much progress because the site is a bit confusing. I am half tempted to give up and not go back; however, this site has some of the best items and deals around. So I will stay and try to make heads or tails out of it. If I ever get it straight, I will comeback and let you know. For now, I am happy with my new find and hope you take advantage of the opportunity. Have a great day!

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